Toowoomba and Darling Downs Local Medical Association
TDDLMA is an independent body, representing all doctors of the district (be they public or private, and belonging to any craft group). Established soon after World War II TDDLMA lays claim to being the oldest Local Medical Association in Queensland.
Apart from representing the collective interests and concerns of its members, TDDLMA is active in promoting:
Postgraduate Education
Public Health Education in collaboration with NGO's and Voluntary Organisations
Health Planning in an advisory capacity with Queensland Health
Regular networking functions.
Please join and become involved.
Annual General Meeting
The 2024 AGM will take place on 2 October 2024.
6pm for 630 start the Empire Theatre Lounge Bar
Special Guest Dr Nick Yim AMAQ President
6 September 2023
The TDDLMA AGM took place on 6 September 2023. We were very fortunate to be joined by AMAQ president Dr Maria Boulton.
There was much discussion surrounding the proposed new hospital facility and the healthcare needs of the region.
Dr Mark Wyche was presented with Life Membership.
We are very pleased to welcome a new committee member Dr Devang Desai.
Your new committee is:
Dr Sally Sojan - President
Dr Peter Hopson - Secretary
Dr John Coghlan - Treasurer
Dr Melissa Hancock - Web/social media
Dr Andrew McAllister
Dr Peter Schindler
Dr Sian Ford
Dr Devang Desai
Retired Doctors Group
A retired doctors group meets three monthly for lunch. Anyone who is eligible and interested in joining can email
Toowoomba Women Doctors Society (Retirees)
A retired female doctors group meets regularly. Please email: